The Introvert Advantage by Marti Olsen Laney

I finished reading The Introvert Advantage by Marti Olsen Laney yesterday.  It's one of the most insightful books I've read in a while.  It examines traits and idiosyncrasies of introverts and offers useful suggestions on how to thrive in an extrovert world.

I have taken many personality tests before, including several versions of Myers-Briggs and the results have always shown introversion.  Most of the descriptions in the book fit me to a T.  Some characteristics I thought were just personal quirks are actually tied to introversion like reviewing conversations, overanalyzing reactions, shallow breathing, sensitivity to noise, etc.  It's comforting to know that they are all related and not just random issues that I have to contend with.=)  

Having worked many years in the corporate world, I have learned to act out of the opposite spectrum mostly as required by the job.  Intel was the training ground that allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and speak out, present, explain and lead.  It can be done successfully but it takes a lot of energy.  I used to just ignore the fatigue and work as if I was on full tank even if I was almost running on empty.  This book reminded me to nurture my nature and take care of myself better.  It offers practical suggestions for dealing with situations introverts may find challenging so that we do not just overcome, but thrive.


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